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Building & Construction

Land Use Codes

Interlaken Town's Land Use Codes are written as part of our Municipal Codes and Ordinances. You'll find links to all the Municipal Codes and Ordinances by choosing Documents on the upper menu bar. For convenience, here are links to the Titles that specify building and land use codes:

The Interlaken Slope Study Map is referenced in Title 11, Section 11.07.080, Hillsides, Slopes, and Natural Grade. Refer to this map when determining the % slope of your lot, and the restrictions that apply.

The Interlaken Outdoor Lighting Specifications are referenced in Title 11 and provide supplmentary information regarding lighting.

Click the following link to get answers to the most commonly asked permit questions regarding setbacks, building height, building on a slope,  building sizes, garages, landscaping, retaining walls, work hours, and more.

Common Land Use & Permit Questions

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